Jordan's Principle Child First Initiative (ICT2)

Jordan River Anderson

October 22, 1999 - February 2, 2005

Jordan River Anderson was a young child from Norway House Cree Nation, MB. He was born with numerous disabilities and spent his whole life in a hospital.

After spending over two years in the hospital's care, Doctors agreed that he could return home to Norway House with his family. However, returning home would require a substantial amount of Homecare. During that time, both the Federal and Provincial Government could not come to an agreement on which government was going to pay for his medical services as a First Nations Child on reserve.

Jordan died in a hospital at the age of five, never once getting to spend a day at home with his family. His story, among other Aboriginal children with special needs, was unfortunately not uncommon.

His death sparked a movement that applies to the equality of services for all Aboriginal children who face these obstacles today; now known as Jordan's Principle.

Jordan's Principle was established so that no other child would have to experience the hardships that Jordan and his family had to endure. Jordan's Legacy lives on and moves forward towards the over-all well being of each and every child who require services both on and off reserve.

What Jordan's Principle Can Offer Your Child (0-17 years)

If you have any concerns or questions regarding a child/youth, you can call or stop by the Beatrice Wilson Health Centre and make an appointment for an assessment.

The next step in the process may include referrals to the following areas of care:

  • Mental Health
  • Speech Language Pathology
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Respite
  • Audiology
  • Tele-health
  • Information Sessions
  • Transportation
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